What is Laser Lipo?
Laser liposuction is a non invasive cosmetic procedure that uses a laser to melt away fat under the skin. No pain and no down time.

What is Lipo Cavitation ?
This procedure involves applying pressure on fat cells through ultrasonic vibrations. The pressure is high enough to make the fat cells break down into a liquid form. The body can then get rid of it as waste through your urine. No pain or down time.

What is Radio Frequency ?
Radio-frequency skin tightening is an aesthetic technique that uses radio frequency energy to heat skin with the purpose of stimulating cutaneous collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid production in order to reduce the appearance of fine lines and loose skin.

What is Butt Vacuum Therapy?
The vacuum therapy butt lift works through the application of specialized suction cups along the patient's buttocks, helping correct, tone, and tighten the gluteus muscles. It is equivalent to 1500 squats.

What is Wood Therapy?
Wood therapy uses a number of different wooden massage-like tools to help break down fat and cellulite. The wooden instruments are used to apply direct pressure to “problem areas” and essentially naturally eliminate excess body fat.

What is Sauna Therapy?
A sauna blanket is a thermal infrared ray sauna that uses a body wrap concept to help treat the body of unwanted toxins and break up fatty tissue. Burn up to 800 calories and lose water weight.

What is Yesotherapy?
Plaster body wrap, also known as yesotherapy, is a weight-loss method that uses plaster structures, specifically a girdle, to wrap the abdomen, compact it entirely. The pressure causes the body to eliminate the fat in a short period, naturally and gradually.

What is Red Light Therapy?
Red Light helps with blood circulation and also helps the skin produce collagen which is helpful for skin tightening. When the red light is used on fat tissues, it causes the fats to break down. Fats are then converted to waste which we remove from our body through urinating, defecating, and sweating.